Easiest Free Media Splitter for Windows

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Easiest Free Media Splitter for Windows

Messagede lkjnim » 25 Janvier 2020, 05:54

Title: Easiest Free Media Splitter for Windows

Languages: En
Compatibility: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
License: Freeware
Author's description:

One Drag and Drop to split the video/audio into parts based on the duration


1. Rename the video to start with 'number-clips', for example, '4-clips_name.mp4'
2. Run Easiest Free Media Splitter
3. Drag and Drop the video/audio into the software window
4. The output clips will be saved to the folder 'output-4-clips_name'

The setup file is just a self-extractor, click it to extract the file to the current directory
Click Easiest_Media_Splitter.exe to run the program

Website : https://easiestsoft.com/win/a-free-media-splitter/
Author: https://easiestsoft.com/

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 05 Décembre 2019, 10:04

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