Easiest Steganography Tool for Windows

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Easiest Steganography Tool for Windows

Messagede lkjnim » 06 Janvier 2020, 05:52

Title: Easiest Steganography Tool

Languages: En
Compatibility: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
License: Freeware
Author's description:

"Easiest Steganography Tool" is an Easy-to-use Steganography software that is free and portable


    1. Hide message in image (.png/.jpg/.bmp)
    2. Hide txt in image
    3. Hide image in another image
    4. Hide audio in image
    5. Steganography image decoder


Drag and drop two files into the Easiest Steganography Tool window to hide the data into the image and drag the steganography image into it for decoding

Website : https://easiestsoft.com/win/a-free-steganography-tool/
Download page: https://easiestsoft.com/win/a-free-steganography-tool/
Author : https://easiestsoft.com
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 05 Décembre 2019, 10:04

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