New Player: Songbird

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Messagede Supermunch » 24 Janvier 2011, 01:11

Over 50 Languages
Windows: Windows 7, Vista, XP SP3 Mac: Mac Intel OS X 10.5+
"Download the Songbird player and rock your mobile. Take your music with you, share playlists with friends, watch video, find out when favorite bands play your town, and discover new tracks by hot new artists."
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 23 Janvier 2011, 17:22

Re: Songbird

Messagede MicketsBR » 21 Mars 2011, 15:36

Songbird is huge, and has quite a few memory leaks. It uses a lot of RAM.

I don't even use it as an installed program, and would never even try to portabilize it.

The non-portable one I always fall back to is Winamp. Portable: AIMP.

This is just my opinion, of course.
Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 105
Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: Songbird

Messagede nefycee » 26 Mars 2011, 17:28

Try MusicBee

You can run it as portable too

Preferences -> General -> Run as portable application

but at the moment it's just available in english
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 16
Inscription: 10 Février 2011, 13:01

New Player: Songbird

Messagede softwarerock » 04 Avril 2011, 10:47

This is the excellent player and opensource.

Can we add to Liberkey
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 24 Décembre 2009, 21:04

Re: New Player: Songbird

Messagede nefycee » 04 Avril 2011, 12:19

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 16
Inscription: 10 Février 2011, 13:01

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