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Messagede city_zen » 11 Février 2010, 06:48


Speccy is an advanced System Information tool for your PC, from the developers of CCleaner and Recuva.



Author's description:
At first glance, Speccy may seem like an application for system administrators and power users. It certainly is, but Speccy can also help normal users, in everyday computing life.

If you need to add more memory to your system, for example, you can check how many memory slots your computer has and what memory's already installed. Then you can go out and buy the right type of memory to add on or replace what you've already got.

If you're going to be selling your PC, you can use Speccy to quickly list out the components. Or, if you're buying a PC, you can use Speccy to check that the computer has what the label says it has.

Also, Speccy comes in handy for support. If you're on the phone with technical support and they want to know what video card you have installed, there's no need to hunt around Windows. Speccy has all the information on one easy-to-understand screen.

Operating System compatibility: all versions of MS Windows from Windows 98 up to Vista and Windows 7, including both 32-bit and 64-bit

License: Freeware

Small and fast
Program is just a single executable file
It provides a lot of information about the hardware of the PC in a clear way

Website: http://www.piriform.com/speccy
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 21
Inscription: 30 Janvier 2010, 09:43

Re: Speccy

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 11 Février 2010, 14:45

Have you read the following on their website?

Speccy is an advanced System Information tool for your PC. We're still bug fixing, but have just released a Public BETA version for you to download!

Please note this is a beta version of Speccy and should only be used by advanced users on test machines. We recommend you wait for a final release version before downloading.

:blink: :blink:
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Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 213
Inscription: 17 Septembre 2009, 12:10

Re: Speccy

Messagede city_zen » 11 Février 2010, 17:44

akhouri_sarvesh a écrit:Have you read the following on their website?

Yes, I have :)

In my experience, Speccy is absolutely stable and ready to be used. I have tested it on several PCs and never saw a problem.
From the developers' blog:
"Speccy is currently available as a beta download, so we only recommend this for advanced users. A final release will be made available in a few weeks time."
That statement was posted on November 10, 2009. So I guess the final release is imminent.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 21
Inscription: 30 Janvier 2010, 09:43

Re: Speccy

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 11 Février 2010, 21:59

city_zen a écrit:In my experience, Speccy is absolutely stable and ready to be used. I have tested it on several PCs and never saw a problem.

You are saying so.
Where as the developer is saying:

"Please note this is a beta version of Speccy and should only be used by advanced users on test machines. We recommend you wait for a final release version before downloading."

Whom should I believe ?? :nocom:

city_zen a écrit:That statement was posted on November 10, 2009. So I guess the final release is imminent.

The release posted is marked beta
Speccy v1.00.089 Beta (21 Jan 2010)
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Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 213
Inscription: 17 Septembre 2009, 12:10

Re: Speccy

Messagede city_zen » 12 Février 2010, 01:49

akhouri_sarvesh a écrit:Whom should I believe ?? :nocom:

Believe no one!!! :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:


Anyway, nothing replaces personal experience. Feel free to try Speccy yourself and see if its current features and stability suits you.

I agree that Speccy's inclusion to Liberkey's catalog should wait until the final release, but I submitted it here so that Liberkey's developers can start evaluating it.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 21
Inscription: 30 Janvier 2010, 09:43

Re: Speccy

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 12 Février 2010, 21:37

city_zen a écrit:Feel free to try Speccy yourself and see if its current features and stability suits you.

I will do that. ;)

city_zen a écrit:I agree that Speccy's inclusion to Liberkey's catalog should wait until the final release, but I submitted it here so that Liberkey's developers can start evaluating it.

OK !! :lol:
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Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
Messages: 213
Inscription: 17 Septembre 2009, 12:10

Re: Speccy

Messagede opendev » 25 Juin 2010, 11:44

Speccy is available in LiberKey !
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Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
Messages: 2625
Inscription: 30 Mai 2007, 23:08

Re: Speccy

Messagede noaven » 26 Juin 2010, 13:08

just test it !!!
what a great app!!

prefer it over HWINFO (interface) but hwinfo gives more details i think

anyway good1
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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 73
Inscription: 08 Janvier 2010, 16:56

Re: Speccy

Messagede opendev » 26 Juin 2010, 21:36

noaven a écrit:prefer it over HWINFO (interface) but hwinfo gives more details i think

That is why we add more software in each categories in order to match more user profile !
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Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
Messages: 2625
Inscription: 30 Mai 2007, 23:08

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