[Suggestion] Webapps in catalog

Propose and present new applications that could be integrated
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[Suggestion] Webapps in catalog

Messagede kokbira » 11 Avril 2011, 15:20

- Put a section with some webapps, like Aviary, Autocad WS, Bible.is, Grooveshark, Google Docs, Pixlr
- When user clicks on one of them:
-> a link is opened in a Liberkey container using a PC browser; or
-> a link is opened in the PC browser; or
-> a link is opened in a Liberkey browser app.
Dernière édition par kokbira le 21 Juillet 2011, 14:20, édité 1 fois.
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Re: Webapps

Messagede nefycee » 11 Avril 2011, 20:26

I'm already using webapp links in the LK menu


What's the problem? :dry:
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Re: Webapps

Messagede Dji » 12 Avril 2011, 12:49

I think he wants to have those web apps already available in the Liberkey menu without any user action (so available in the catalog)
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Re: Webapps

Messagede BlueMaxima » 12 Avril 2011, 16:14

Is that possible? Could be very useful for keeping space free.
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Re: Webapps

Messagede Dji » 13 Avril 2011, 13:09

This is not planned at the moment but you know you can create such webapp category and include the web applications you want by yourself ! ;-)

Follow this link to find some (lots) of them:
http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/ ... lications/
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
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Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
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