WinCDEmu, Lingoes, Uni Key, Iobit Uninstaller,Dropbox, Skype

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WinCDEmu, Lingoes, Uni Key, Iobit Uninstaller,Dropbox, Skype

Messagede portablezeus » 19 Septembre 2011, 05:16

1. This is by far the best and easiest way to simulate CD. Please add this to Liberkey.
WinCDEmu is an open-source CD/DVD/BD emulator - a tool that allows you to mount optical disc mages by simply clicking on them in Windows Explorer. If you have downloaded an ISO image and want to use it without burning it to a blank disc, WinCDEmu is the easiest way to do it.

2. Simply the ultimate dictionary that anyone on Earth would need
You can download almost any dictionary there is on its website

3. Uni Key, the essential Vietnamese typing tool for Vietnamese
uni key (.) org

4. Iobit Uninstaller
It's just as good as Revo Uninstaller and is more updated.

5. Please also include Dropbox, Skype as well.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 20 Août 2011, 20:17

Re: WinCDEmu, Lingoes, Uni Key, Iobit Uninstaller,Dropbox, S

Messagede BrollyLSSJ » 06 Février 2012, 01:11

I also vote for IOBit Uninstaller (now version 2 with 64 Bit support), WinCDEmu and Lingoes.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 21
Inscription: 09 Janvier 2011, 00:17

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