XAMPP (Portable WEB-server )

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XAMPP (Portable WEB-server )

Messagede poha66 » 02 Février 2011, 12:27

1) Xampp
2) English
3) Windows(All versions), Linux, Solaris - and another package for Mac OS X
4) Freeware combined to a web-server: Apache, PHP, MySql, Perl
5) Kai 'Oswald' Seidler
6) Very good for developing Joomla sites - and possibly other WEB-stuff. It's very easy to set up - and work's from an USB-stick. No installation required. Start & Stop for WEB-site - but can be installed as a service
7) http://www.apachefriends.org
8) http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 02 Février 2011, 11:52

Re: XAMPP (Portable WEB-server )

Messagede pacifista87 » 02 Juin 2011, 17:09

thumbs up
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Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 01 Juin 2011, 23:46

Re: XAMPP (Portable WEB-server )

Messagede krishnaprasad » 21 Juin 2011, 09:47

Yes. This application must be included. It is the most useful app for web developers. :)
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Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 21 Juin 2011, 09:13

Re: XAMPP (Portable WEB-server )

Messagede icecream » 22 Juillet 2011, 07:38

I like it ! Hope for it has.
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Re: XAMPP (Portable WEB-server )

Messagede kokbira » 22 Juillet 2011, 14:15

thumbs up, too
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Re: XAMPP (Portable WEB-server )

Messagede Croatoan » 24 Août 2011, 12:23

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Re: XAMPP (Portable WEB-server )

Messagede freuter » 22 Septembre 2011, 01:53

Absolutly agree! The missing XAMPP is the only, last reason why some of my friends are not using LiberKey instead of there beloved "portable apps" - xampp (also specialy xamppLite) is a must have for all webdesigners and i got no Idea WHY it wasn't one of the first Apps in yours LiberKey project.

So, read your own BBS here and spend us, what we like to have ;-)

But i couldn't finished without a special thanks for your great job and given gift in LiberKey ;-)

Sorry for my lousie english, but i'm out of any excercise for decades :cry:

Hope for an fast solution,

Proud Liberkey-User
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Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 13 Août 2011, 23:31

Re: XAMPP (Portable WEB-server )

Messagede Dji » 22 Septembre 2011, 13:00

PortableApps Wamp package can be added into Liberkey :happy:
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