Yahoo!Zimbra Desktop

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Yahoo!Zimbra Desktop

Messagede xsugaBahayax » 14 Décembre 2009, 20:56


I think you guys at LiberKey should add Yahoo!Zimbra Desktop.
It's cool application. It's can handle for Yahoo email account when another email client can't.

Wish it could on the LiberKey Soon.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 14 Décembre 2009, 19:55

Re: Yahoo!Zimbra Desktop

Messagede skybird » 14 Décembre 2009, 21:04


Forum rules:
Please read this topic before propose a software.
Gold Boarder
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Inscription: 10 Octobre 2007, 10:45

Re: Yahoo!Zimbra Desktop

Messagede xsugaBahayax » 15 Décembre 2009, 11:52

Language: English, Japanese

Operating System: Windows, Mac, Linux

Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop is an offline client that lets you manage your various email accounts in one desktop tool. Zimbra mail, Yahoo! mail, Gmail, AOL, Outlook and any other work or personal email account using POP or IMAP is easy to set up in Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop. Each account is separately maintained.

After you set up your accounts, your email messages are downloaded to your computer and can be accessed whether you are connected to the Internet or not. See Working Offline. Email messages in all your accounts can be read, replied to, forwarded and deleted from Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop. Mail storage is based on your computer's disk space, not on a pre-defined account quota.

When you receive new email messages in any of your accounts, if you have internet access, the message is automatically downloaded to your Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop. You do not need to open Desktop to make this happen. An envelope icon displays in the Windows Tray or in the Mac Dock row that shows the total number of unread messages across all of your accounts. Click the icon to open the desktop application.

Advantages: It can handle Yahoo! Mail (Not Yahoo! Mail plus)
Inconveniences :It is not yet portable.

Author's website:
Downloadlink: h
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 14 Décembre 2009, 19:55

Re: Yahoo!Zimbra Desktop

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 27 Décembre 2009, 11:48

Although it is a nice application but its development is not certain since Yahoo! is planning to sell Zimbra.

The Size of the Application is also huge.

Normally a portable application should be compact.
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Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
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Inscription: 17 Septembre 2009, 12:10

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