[Feature Request] Automatic Proxy Change

Provides some LiberKey tools versions under development
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[Feature Request] Automatic Proxy Change

Messagede Stokes » 10 Novembre 2014, 18:55


Did you consider a functionality which provides an automatic change of the proxy settings?
Example: When I am at home I have no proxy and have to disable it in order to get updates for my liberkey, when I am in office I have to manually reactivate proxy settings in order to get updates for my liberkey.
Couldn't you check if the proxy server is available in the connected network and then take this settings, if not just use "no proxy".

Besides this the menu is incredible! I recommended it to all my friends and colleagues.

Best regards
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 22 Octobre 2011, 09:53

Re: [Feature Request] Automatic Proxy Change

Messagede arooj » 19 Décembre 2014, 14:30

Another way would be to add Liberkey at startup, then you will a Liberkey icon in notification area (instead of start menu) with its most used applications.
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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 19 Décembre 2014, 14:29

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