Pop-Up while launching applications
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Pop-Up while launching applicationsLiberky 5.0 is beautiful. The menu animations are vey well done. But I have a small issue since 5.0
I have set a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F to launch Firefox. While the application starts I see a popup that says "Starting Firefox: Click here to cancel." Then after the popup disappears firefox is launched. This popup is not shown if I launch Firefox from the Menu itself. Is there any way to disable the popup ? Thank you in advance. Terminator over and out
La Liberté éclairant le monde - Liberty Enlightening the World
Re: Pop-Up while launching applicationsI understand that the pop up was put in place to prevent accidental key pressing and launching the app. But in my humble opinion such accidents usually will not happen. The pop up is a bit counter productive. There is no need for it
I have searched the user_prefs.xml file but I didn't find any thing related to the pop up. Please point me towards a solution. Or It would be wonderful if an option to disable the pop up is provided in the future liberkey versions. Terminator over and out
La Liberté éclairant le monde - Liberty Enlightening the World
Re: Pop-Up while launching applicationsHello terminator1234.
Sorry, no answer to your first post but your suggestion has been taken in consideration. The adding of this option is in the todo list.
Re: Pop-Up while launching applicationsThank you for your consideration, skybird. Viva la Liberkey
Terminator over and out
La Liberté éclairant le monde - Liberty Enlightening the World
Re: Pop-Up while launching applicationsHello terminator1234.
Your suggestion has been published with the last version (beta channel). Settings are available in LiberKey Configuration >> User Interface >> keyboard shortcuts.
Re: Pop-Up while launching applicationsI updated to the beta. Works like a charm. You guys made my day Long live Liberkey
Terminator over and out
La Liberté éclairant le monde - Liberty Enlightening the World
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