suggestion progress bar for installation
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suggestion progress bar for installationis possible to make it?
thanks ps i talk for program install, not for liberkey..
Re: suggestion progress bar for installationI think you asked for progress bar during installation (extracting applications from downloaded lks files). Extracting is usually very fast (2 or 3 of seconds for apps below the size of 10 Mb). So I think there is no need for a progress bar during installation.
Terminator over and out
La Liberté éclairant le monde - Liberty Enlightening the World
Re: suggestion progress bar for installationnot for extractiong file.. but for installation.. for example, openoffice for download, and installation is very slow.. and occasionaly Some programs seem to stop ... and without a scroll bar is not known whether or not they do something ..
Re: suggestion progress bar for installationI'd like a process bar, too.
Furthermore, a possibility to abort the installation. That will probably not be possible during the installation of a program, but surely between two installations. For example: I want to make an update of twenty programs at once. After the download the extraction, whitch can take a lot of time, begins. Suddenly I have to quit for any reason and there are about ten programs that aren't installed yet. Now there is no possibility to prevent the LiberKey Installer from installing the remaining programs. The only way is to kill the process, which causes some problems. (As far as I know)
I believe it is fast, if your LiberKey is on your Hard Disk, but it takes longer, if the programs have to be extracted on a Flash Drive.
Re: suggestion progress bar for installation
Yes. You got me there I did install Liberkey on my harddisk. Now you changed my opinion +1 for Progress bar Terminator over and out
La Liberté éclairant le monde - Liberty Enlightening the World
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