Suggestion with low effort and high return
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Suggestion with low effort and high returnHi guys,
First of all, you have done an amazing work with liberkey. It absolutely revolutionized the portable apps ecosystem. Now the suggestion: If next to the LKL executable file for each app you added a lnk shortcut file with the name of the application and some good metadata (like you have on the catalog/menu) it would allow the user to use applications like Launchy or Executor (available on Liberkey) to scan the Liberkey folder and index only the lnk files. This way one could easily use a fast launcher with all the wonderful application Liberkey provides. I tried posting here since my English is much better than my French, but since the forum appears much more active in French I'll repost there if I get no feedback. Best regards, Nuno
Re: Suggestion with low effort and high returnHi, if you want to use Launchy or
![]() Launchy
Executor: in Executor.ini (LiberKey\Apps\Executor\App\Executor )
But the new LiberKey 5.0 has a new search engine (search in the description, catalog etc..)
Re: Suggestion with low effort and high returnThis is not the same. In search will give you not informative exe name and quite many ugly and misleading results.
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