Deleting individual apps
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Deleting individual appsHow do I delete or un-install an app, I tried deleting it from the menu, but all this seems to do is make it not show up on the menu.
Do I go into :/Liberkey/Apps/app I want to delete and then just delete the entire directory of the app? If this has been answered already somewhere in the forums I am sorry for asking again. I tried doing a search but I do not read French.
Re:Deleting individual appsHi and welcome MossBeep.
In order to uninstall correctly an app you must go to Liberkey Tools >> other tools... >> LiberKey Uninstalleur. See post of opendev below for more details. You can find English FAQ and help file here
Re:Deleting individual appsHello MossBeep,
There is an uninstaller which : - removes the menu - removes the directory and files - removes associations If you use a LiberKey 4.5 (fresh install) : use "Remove applications" in the LiberKey Tools Menu If you use a LiberKey 4.5 (updated from 4.x) : use "LiberKey Uninstaller" in LiberKey Tools => other tools...
Re:Deleting individual appsThank you for the quick replys.
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