hebrew translate

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hebrew translate

Messagede ttuu » 18 Février 2010, 13:03

i translated the liberkey to hebrew.
how i can send the "hebrew.xml" file?

i have one question.
hebrew is a RTL language.
its possible to set the liberkey if the lang is set to "hebrew" the windows of program it show left to right?

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 18 Février 2010, 12:57

Re: hebrew translate

Messagede Dji » 18 Février 2010, 14:12

As current Liberkey launcher is Asuite, please submit your translation to Asuite editor.

Moreover, Asuite will not be used anymore in v5 Liberkey release, so your translation will probably be out of date with Liberkey v5 delivery.
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Re: hebrew translate

Messagede opendev » 18 Février 2010, 14:36

Hello ttuu,

Thanks a lot for your translation, please could you send it to me : opendev (arobase) liberkey.com

Your translation will be available in the LiberKey 4.8.

I you want, I can add you in the translator list for LiberKey 5.0 so you will get beta version when ready.
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Platinum Boarder
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Re: hebrew translate

Messagede ttuu » 18 Février 2010, 14:40

Dji a écrit:As current Liberkey launcher is Asuite, please submit your translation to Asuite editor.

Moreover, Asuite will not be used anymore in v5 Liberkey release, so your translation will probably be out of date with Liberkey v5 delivery.

how i can translate the Liberkey v5 to hebrew?

and i not understand.
How do I send the translation by link you wrote?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 18 Février 2010, 12:57

Re: hebrew translate

Messagede opendev » 18 Février 2010, 14:43

I send you a private message, you will have my email ;)
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Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
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Inscription: 30 Mai 2007, 23:08

Re: hebrew translate

Messagede ttuu » 18 Février 2010, 14:45

opendev a écrit:Hello ttuu,

Thanks a lot for your translation, please could you send it to me : opendev (arobase) liberkey.com

Your translation will be available in the LiberKey 4.8.

I you want, I can add you in the translator list for LiberKey 5.0 so you will get beta version when ready.

ok i sendit now the file.

please add me to the "translator list for LiberKey 5.0" i ready to work.
what abuot my RTL question?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 18 Février 2010, 12:57

Re: hebrew translate

Messagede ttuu » 18 Février 2010, 14:46

opendev a écrit:I send you a private message, you will have my email ;)

I did not get any PM from you. btw i sendit the file.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 18 Février 2010, 12:57

Re: hebrew translate

Messagede opendev » 18 Février 2010, 14:50

ttuu a écrit:what abuot my RTL question?

We will try to implement it, maybe not in the first release of LiberKey 5.0.
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Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
Messages: 2625
Inscription: 30 Mai 2007, 23:08

Re: hebrew translate

Messagede ttuu » 18 Février 2010, 14:58

ok. thanks.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 18 Février 2010, 12:57

Re: hebrew translate

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 18 Février 2010, 15:00

Dji a écrit:Moreover, Asuite will not be used anymore in v5 Liberkey release, so your translation will probably be out of date with Liberkey v5 delivery.

If Asuite will not be used in version 5, will the features or options be similar or different..?

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