Liberkey is unable to check updates/get app suites
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Liberkey is unable to check updates/get app suitesIn my office system, my liberkey is unable to get/check its updates. And when I tried to install a suite, it throws this error:
I just verified that my system is communicating with internet without using any proxy. Plus, I downloaded PortableApps and it was able to get its updates/new installs like charm. Also OneDrive and all other similar apps are working fine here. I have to manually download the lks files and install these. There is no option in to download whole suite and install later. What could be the problem here? Any workaround??? Thanks
Re: Liberkey is unable to check updates/get app suitesI'm getting similar issues ... but only since I have moved my install to OneDrive ... still investigating ... might have to ditch LiberKey if I can't find a solution as OneDrive is my preferred option over Dropbox
Re: Liberkey is unable to check updates/get app suites
It looks like proxy issue. ISA (Microsoft) proxy is not (yet) supported by Liberkey. In order to workaround the issue, I suggest you to use CNTLM (or any local proxy which authenticate you on your office proxy) It works like a charm.
Who cares ? Doesn't matter ! "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Liberkey is unable to check updates/get app suitesHi Dji,
Thanks for the reply. I have setup CNTLM and liberkey is able to get the list of updates + sychronize the Liberkey website. But still it is not able to download those updates, instead the update dialog showing the update list, shows some progress with 7zip, but never installed it. I had left it for whole night, but in the morning it was still like that, while many other downloads via my browser finished properly proving that Internet was working fine. If you can provide any help with CNTLM, It'll be great. Here is my cntlm.ini.
Thanks a bunch.
Re: Liberkey is unable to check updates/get app suitesI have the same issue for weeks now (but worked for months) and no answer at the moment, sorry
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
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