Restore menu-structure?

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Restore menu-structure?

Messagede hubutz » 26 Février 2011, 21:07


is there a way to reset the menu structure (the folders/subfolders for the software within LiberKey)?
I've moved all of the software into a few folders but now... it kinda sucks.

Any idea how to do that, without deinstalling all of the stuff?

Thanks for your help!
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Re: Restore menu-structure?

Messagede JP4U » 27 Février 2011, 00:16


What have you doing exactly?

If you have moved all your Apps directory in another localisation, you can repair your liberkey with these method.
Copy the liberkey directory in the same localisation and replace the Apps folder to have these structure :


If you have separated your application in a lot of separate directories, I'm afraid you can't repair easily your Liberkey.


P.S.: If you want move your application with the Liberkey, simply move all the Liberkey folder to another place.

P.S. 2 : If you want to use application without the Liberkey, but with a portability, simply copy the portabilizer folder in the same place of your softs and run them with the applicationLKL.exe . But you lost the automatic updates and the other advantages of the liberkey menu.
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Re: Restore menu-structure?

Messagede hubutz » 27 Février 2011, 11:25

Hi JP4U,

I think my question wasn't that solid. I didn't move the files away from the Liberkey structure, I've just deleted the folders in the LiberKey Menu itself.
I hope pictures explain more then words do :-)


Cheers and thanks!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 12
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:57

Re: Restore menu-structure?

Messagede Laurentxp » 27 Février 2011, 13:34

Hi, you have backups in LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data\Menu\bak
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Re: Restore menu-structure?

Messagede bichlepa » 27 Février 2011, 13:45

I have an other idea, but i have no idea whether it works, so make a back-up of your LiberKey before you try that. ;)
    1. Delete all your shortcuts in LiberKey. When LiberKey asks whether you want to delete the application at all, say no.
    2. Click on LiberKey tools -> Manage applications -> Add/delete applications -> Detect new applications.
Now LiberKey should add all shortcuts and create the standard subfolders for them. :bigsmile:
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Re: Restore menu-structure?

Messagede hubutz » 11 Mai 2011, 12:52

Hi bichlepa,
sorry for my late answer but this worked like a charm! thanks!

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:57

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