Applications Discontinued or removed from LiberKey Catalog

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Applications Discontinued or removed from LiberKey Catalog

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 15 Janvier 2013, 22:33

Recently while tallying my installed applications and LiberKey online Catalog, I found that the following applications are no more available for download. Whoever has any of these installed - please be informed that you will need to update it manually by yourself.

List of applications removed or discontinued:
  1. BonkEnc
  2. Universal Viewer
  3. IcoFX
  4. FastStone Capture
  5. On-Screen Ruler
  6. B.I.S.S. Hosts Manager
  7. PE Network Configurator
  8. Yale
  9. Clipboardic
  10. SIW
  11. Startup Control Panel
  12. Erunt
  13. Free Window Registry Repair
  14. MemTest
  15. Autoplay Repair
  16. Fast Explorer
  17. Filehippo Update Checker
  18. VDownloader

Further I found that although I have Ultimate suite installed - the following applications are missing since they have been added to Ultimate suite later. ;) [I installed way back]

List of applications added to Ultimate suite:
  1. Freac
  2. DSpeech
  3. Greenshot
  4. AquaSnap
  5. STDU Viewer
  7. USB Disk Ejector

It is very easy to install these application using suite installer - it will upgrade your suite and install only the missing applications and will not remove any of the custom or previously installed application.

I thought of posting this under "search applications" for information.
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