FreeFileSync Update

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FreeFileSync Update

Messagede VijayS » 11 Août 2014, 08:03

New version is 6.8

Liberkey version is 6.2


FreeFileSync 6.8 [2014-08-01]
New comparison option to ignore file time shift in hours
Tentatively disabled DST hack affecting FAT file creation times
New menu option to reset gui layout
File sizes ignore sync direction in overview panel
Sort by file name also sorts folder names
Main grid column "full path" includes file name
Always position comparison progress below main buttons
Fixed high-precision tick count calculations
Fully restart directory traversal on errors
Updated help file with steps to schedule a batch job (OS X)

FreeFileSync 6.7 [2014-07-01]
Redesigned comparison progress statistics
Fixed crash when loading incompatible config file
Added "new" button to config panel
Avoid sync progress dialog repositioning
Resolved crash when loading sync settings for Arabic locale
Restored cancel button width
Help window not forced to float over main dialog (Windows)
Fixed overwriting old-format batch files
Harmonized view category sequence
Merged similar translation items
Fixed crash when scrolling help window without focus

FreeFileSync 6.6 [2014-06-01]
Fixed large font size standard button layout
Fixed config dialog graphics glitch with large font sizes
Exit FreeFileSync launcher process during update
Exclude temporary files from RealtimeSync monitor
Implement correct standard button spacing (OS X)
Fixed SELinux compilation issue (Linux)
Installer adds RealtimeSync link to desktop (Windows)
Improved makefile (Linux, OS X)
Reduced binary file size (Linux)
Updated translation files

FreeFileSync 6.5 [2014-05-01]
Support preview for RAW CR2 image files (Windows Vista and later)
Fixed startup exception when using task scheduler (Windows XP)
Correctly resolve SystemRoot NT path syntax for symbolic links
Fixed incorrect error codes being reported (Windows XP)
Fixed config dialog shortcut key presses getting lost (OS X)
Allow vertical layout for top button panel
Code cleanup: removed support for old database and XML config formats
Center sync progress dialog
Updated help file

FreeFileSync 6.4 [2014-04-01]
Combined comparison, filter and sync config dialogs
Support alternate GlobalSettings.xml file via command line
Toggle between config panels with F6, F7, F8
Show config status icons in notebook panel caption
Redesigned configuration dialog layouts
Fixed startup error after moving installation directory
Fixed retry on failure to resolve path by volume name
Resolved ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS when creating temporary recycle bin subdirectory
Added "save as gui job" button on main dialog
Added Bulgarian language

FreeFileSync 6.3 [2014-03-01]
No wait time anymore while searching for recycle bin (Windows Vista and later)
Revised synchronization progress graph
Clean up "On completion" considering last usage
Fixed CTRL + C keyboard short cut in filter dialog (OS X)
Resolved static initialization order issues
Reduced disk accesses when resolving directory name
Added view filter labels
Updated translation files
Updated help file
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 25 Janvier 2014, 11:25

Re: FreeFileSync Update

Messagede Dji » 11 Août 2014, 09:03

We know it but already mentioned this is not (yet) possible: ... -6726.html (sorry, french topic)

In few words, version 6.3 and above does not work anymore in any portability context (PortableApps and is also impacted) but standalone portable freefilesync still works...

Discussions from official website: ... /4e8a6940/ ... /d09ab0d6/
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