I'd missing

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I'd missing

Messagede freuter » 13 Août 2011, 23:45

Anyone who ever handled eBooks (from Readers to Publishers and Producers) knows "calibre" as one of the best -no, the ultimate-, complete and free solution!

There is a mobile Version available too - specialy for USB-Keys.
Downloadable here: http://calibre-ebook.com/download_portable

..and that's what i missed in LiberKey Applications-Libary!

It should be great, if there anyone who can fix this. Because i'm sure that this Freeware are the ultimate Solution für any eBook-Fan - from readers up to the producers - and this will come more and more...

as well as LiberKey - that's for sure!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 13 Août 2011, 23:31

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