ccleaner invokes uac 3x to start???

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ccleaner invokes uac 3x to start???

Postby ChoiceVoice » 12 November 2014, 19:25

this is only happening with ccleaner and not any of my other apps. running windows 7 64 bit home. i can start it normally if i go to liberkey/apps/ccleaner folder and click CCleanerLKL.exe (meaning only one uac pop up). if i click liberday/apps/ccleaner/apps/ccleaner/ CCleaner.exe or CCleaner64.exe in app folder i receive 2 uac pop ups to get it to run. as stated, if i try to open with liberkey gui, i receive 3 uac pop ups.

uac pop ups description:
1st: liberkey launcher - ccleaner
\liberkey\apps\ccleaner\ccleaner LKL

2nd: ccleaner

3rd: liberkey\apps\ccleaner\app\ccleaner/uac/uac

weird that third one seems to have uac giving permission for uac??

is their an easy obvious fix (i tried erasing ccleaner.exe, then ccleaner64.exe, and didn't fix anything). should i just reinstall ccleaner?
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