False Positive's

A problem using LiberKey ?
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False Positive's

Messagede bdmeyer » 09 Septembre 2010, 17:18

The main page has a link to the french forum for reporting false positives. I didn't find one for the english.

Here is what I find:

I am using Coranti 2010 which is a multi engine AV. When i try to download it immediately reports it as a viruis. When i try to isntall Liberkey5, I get Win32.FraudTool.MicrosoftSecurityEssentialsAlert/A.

Coranti, like Trustport uses several AV tools like Bitdefender, Fprot, Lavasoft, Norman, simultaneously.

--Bruce D. Meyer
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Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 16 Février 2009, 17:40

Re: False Positive's

Messagede opendev » 09 Septembre 2010, 17:48


We will open a special topic about false positive in the English forum.

Virus Total result about LiberKey
File name: LiberKey_5.0_build_0901_EN.exe
Submission date: 2010-09-09 15:30:40 (UTC)
Current status: finished
Result: 0 /43 (0.0%)
merci de lire ce message
please read this message
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Re: False Positive's

Messagede kguske » 05 Décembre 2010, 18:09

McAfee reports false positives on:

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Fresh Boarder
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Re: False Positive's

Messagede Farrukh » 09 Décembre 2010, 09:42

I have McAfee installed on my machine and it just detected a Trojan in one of the Apps installed via LiberKey. :ohmy:
Here is the screen cap:


Do you check for your apps for Trojan and Keyloggers before adding these to your Catalogs?

Thanks :huh:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 27
Inscription: 03 Décembre 2010, 15:29

Re: False Positive's

Messagede Laurentxp » 09 Décembre 2010, 09:50

Virus Total result about sysexp.exe: 3 /43
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Inscription: 27 Mars 2007, 23:37

Re: False Positive's

Messagede Farrukh » 09 Décembre 2010, 09:56

Dear Moderator
Thanks for a quick reply :).
Please do send some message if you have to move a thread.

I was wondering where my post was gone.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 27
Inscription: 03 Décembre 2010, 15:29

RADIO SURE backdoor trojan?

Messagede cartman2001 » 19 Mars 2011, 12:51

Current version distibution of this app is marked as BDS/Bifrose, a serious backdoor trojan.
You should contact authors about their intentions.
Version downloaded from author's site not yet flaged as dangerous. But who knows...
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 19 Mars 2011, 12:40

Re: RADIO SURE backdoor trojan?

Messagede JP4U » 19 Mars 2011, 16:38

Hello cartman2001 and welcome on forums.

Here's an analyse on VirusTotal for the latest Liberkey's Radio Sure package : result = 0/43
Are you sure to have the latest's antivirus definitions ?
It's certainly a false positive (http://www.liberkey.com/en/liberkey-is-virus-free.html).

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Inscription: 30 Mars 2007, 13:58

Re: False Positive's

Messagede cartman2001 » 20 Mars 2011, 16:36

i just update radio sure via liberkey update. Now it's ok. Was probably outdated virus def file.
Thaks for your support.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 19 Mars 2011, 12:40

Help...Infected or not??

Messagede IElia » 27 Janvier 2012, 16:00

Dear friends,

I need help with reported Liberkey infected files. Could someone advise if the files are infected or not (False positives)?
Any help will be appreciated. Thanking you in advance.
On 25.01.2012 I performed the following updates:
1) Updated Liberkey to 5.6.0124/Patch 20120124132127:

2)CCleaner 3.15.1643 / DSpeech 1.56.1 / Marble 1.3.0 / MediaInfo 0.7.53 /Task Coach 1.3.6

Suddenly, I started receiving warning messages from Antivir. I then scanned my Liberkey hard drive with Clamwin which also is showing infections in my Liberkey.

Below are the scan report showing infected files:

ANTIVIR report:
Avira Free Antivirus
Report file date: Friday, January 27, 2012 15:08

Scanning for 3317781 virus strains and unwanted programs.

The program is running as an unrestricted full version.
Online services are available:

Licensee : Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus
Serial number :
Platform : Windows XP
Windows version : (Service Pack 3) [5.1.2600]
Boot mode : Normally booted
Username : SYSTEM
Computer name :
Starting the file scan:

Begin scan in 'J:\LiberKey\Apps\HFS\App\HFS\hfs.exe'
[DETECTION] Is the TR/HFS.A.76 Trojan

Beginning disinfection:
[DETECTION] Is the TR/HFS.A.76 Trojan
[WARNING] The file was ignored! (Note. I ignored it by mistake).
CLAMWIN report:

Scan Started Fri Jan 27 15:09:49 2012

J:\LiberKey\Apps\ClamWin\Data\quarantine\GSplitLKL.exe.infected: BC.Heuristic.Trojan.SusPacked.BF-6.B FOUND
J:\LiberKey\Apps\ClamWin\Data\quarantine\GSplitLKL.exe.infected not moved/copied since already in quarantine
WARNING: Can't open file J:\LiberKey\Apps\HFS\App\HFS\hfs.exe: Permission denied
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 27 Novembre 2010, 10:51


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