Firefox 33 does not work

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Firefox 33 does not work

Messagede yetisouth » 17 Octobre 2014, 17:36

I updated Firefox to version 33 today. Now it does not work anymore. It just comes up with a black window, and that's all.
I tried downloading it from - but it does not work either.
What is causing this problem? :ohmy:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 14
Inscription: 20 Juillet 2009, 09:05

Re: Firefox 33 does not work

Messagede snoopyeab » 17 Octobre 2014, 19:57

Well, I did the same but no pb here on W7.
Try downloading again, maybe it's corrupt?
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Dutch translator
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Inscription: 11 Juin 2009, 15:06

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