Install all new applications

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Install all new applications

Messagede cujobr » 14 Mai 2010, 16:15

How Can I install all new applications in my liberkey automatically? After the synchronization, appear a lot of new applications for me. I would like to have all in my pen drive, but install one by one is boring.
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Fresh Boarder
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Re: Install all new applications

Messagede bichlepa » 20 Mai 2010, 11:12

That's how I make it:

    - synchronize the catalog with my LiberKey
    - Enable files associations
    - Choose a new application in the catalog and click on "Install (...) on my LiberKey" and add it to the LiberKey Creator.
    - Choose another application and click again on "Install (...) on my LiberKey" and add it to the LiberKey Creator.
    - And so on...
    - When all applications that I want to install are in the LiberKey Creator, I click on "Install selected Applications".
    - Wait a bit.
    - Finish

Some guys say that it is silly to have so much programs installed on LiberKey, but I think it is practical to have many applications collected in one place. So I don't need to search a lot if I need a new application for something.
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Re: Install all new applications

Messagede Dji » 20 Mai 2010, 11:38

Right bichlepa, this is the only way to do it.
This is not possible to automatically have "install all (new) applications in one shot" for added applcations for application updates there is a "select all" checkbox in Liberkey Creator.
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Re: Install all new applications

Messagede tosiabunio » 08 Mars 2011, 13:29

Well, that is the option I would like to see. I'm using LiberKey as my permanent programs collection on a hard drive and the size is not a problem for me. I would like to have the option to automatically select all new programs to download and the maybe unselect those I don't want.

Actually a tool to select application to install different than the web catalog would be a huge improvement.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 17 Juin 2009, 12:27

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