KeyFile Assoc - File association not working at all

A problem using LiberKey ?
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KeyFile Assoc - File association not working at all

Messagede Jayjee » 02 Janvier 2016, 12:46


I installed Liberkey (5.8.1129) on an external harddisk and everything works as it should - only the file associations do not work at all.
I have activated them to autorun, the program (KEY Files Assoc' v1.8.35) is showing in the tray, it says that it has applied the associations (the icon is not crossed red, does so when double clicked, and doubleclicking again changes back to the un-crossed version, also the context menu changes accordingly).
All associations I checked open with the local computer's programs and not with liberkey's (I checked a video file, an image and a word document).
I checked the assiociations in the "File association configuration" menu, and they are correctly registered.

Tried the liberkey installation on three computers, all running windows 7, with all of them no problem.

Tried also to restore the oldest backup of the xml file in the BAK directory of the KeyFiles Assoc folder - no success.

Any explanations / help / solution?
Thanks a lot!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 02 Janvier 2016, 12:35

Re: KeyFile Assoc - File association not working at all

Messagede andyj » 24 Juin 2016, 22:56

This also happens on Windows 10 pro fresh install of Windows and fresh install of LiberKey.
I am thinking this may have something to do with 'Edge' sort of taking over all the associations.
Noticed too that when I kick of Firefox it asked to be default app - I answer yes and uncheck to always check.
This pops up the Edge screen for default app association - Firefox is already there and selected.
- works until I exit Firefox or restart the computer - then it just asks again (loop)
It could have something to do with registery changes no being written - in Windows the associations are there and seem to be configured right with KeyFile Assoc running. Just does not pass thru to the app (pdf) is the one I always check.
Just now noticed that if I right mouse on a pdf file - PDF X-Change viewer is the top one on the list.
If I run across anything further, I will post here.

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 6
Inscription: 24 Octobre 2009, 07:42

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