Liberkey deleted my Chrome settings and extensions

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Liberkey deleted my Chrome settings and extensions

Messagede ArSo » 26 Décembre 2014, 14:27


Liberkey deleted my chrome settings and extensions during the update of chrome.
Are they stored somewhere, is there a backup ?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 26 Décembre 2014, 14:21

Re: Liberkey deleted my Chrome settings and extensions

Messagede Dji » 26 Décembre 2014, 15:07

yes, backup folder is located there : Liberkey\Apps\Chrome_<date__and_time_here>
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
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Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
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Re: Liberkey deleted my Chrome settings and extensions

Messagede ArSo » 27 Décembre 2014, 22:37

there is only Chrome folder, no other folders for Chrome.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 26 Décembre 2014, 14:21

Re: Liberkey deleted my Chrome settings and extensions

Messagede Dji » 28 Décembre 2014, 17:58

Updates does not delete Liberkey\Apps\Chrome\Data folder (it contains your profile).

If you start anytime Chrome from the Liberkey menu, you started ChromeLKL.exe but if you start Chrome elsewhere (or put it as default browser in a wrong manner) you maybe started chrome.exe indeed and in a non-portable manner and your Chrome profile is located in "C:\Documents And Settings\<your_profile>" (or C:\Users\<your_profile>). I don't remind exactly the non-portable Chrome profile path but search for "Chrome" folder.
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes !
Parce qu'on est surentraînés !"
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Messages: 3724
Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
Localisation: Quelque part entre les ombres

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