Shortcuts Not Going Away

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Shortcuts Not Going Away

Messagede Budfudder » 05 Août 2012, 02:47

When I create an application shortcut on my desktop from one of my LiberKey apps, it works fine. When I close LiberKey it goes away, great. I re-open LiberKey and back it comes.

My problem is that if I delete the shortcut, it keeps coming back. I delete it, continue my LiberKey session, eventually close LiberKey. Next time I start LiberKey up again, the shortcut is back.

How do I delete shortcuts?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 6
Inscription: 05 Août 2012, 02:43

Re: Shortcuts Not Going Away

Messagede Dji » 05 Août 2012, 10:03

Remove the shortcut and choose Liberkey Tools -> Remove Liberkey shortcuts
Then choose Liberkey Tools -> Add Liberkey shortcuts
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Re: Shortcuts Not Going Away

Messagede Budfudder » 05 Août 2012, 12:00

Thank you very much sir!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 6
Inscription: 05 Août 2012, 02:43

Re: Shortcuts Not Going Away

Messagede Cagatey01 » 27 Décembre 2014, 08:21

i suggest you to do not update gimp and other large apps (chrome, firefox, libreoffice...) so often, because they often crash after that, at least fo me and for others that ask for help here.

if you continue to need for that update, then, before doing that, make a backup of app folder (like copying gimp app folder, app/gimp, to myapps folder).
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Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 27 Décembre 2014, 07:59

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