I dont know happened what happened rescently but I am unable to launch most applications (few works). Nothing happens. If I go to the App directory and launch application exe (like firefox.exe, not firefoxlkl.exe) it starts, but I am sure it does not become full portable. If I rename liberkeyportablizer folder, running same firefoxlkl.exe gives error that liberkey is not installed (normal error).
I tried reinstalling applications, reinstalling liberkey and importing same application from application manager.
I do not want to remove everything and start from scratch, any pointer is appreciated.
When you try to start firefoxlkl.exe, opens task manager and look for firefox.exe process, is it started ? (wait a little bit to see it, a dozen of seconds would be enough)
Do you run Liberkey for local drive or usb key ? if you did it form usb key, maybe the usb drive is slow (is it new ?) or lack of free space or too fragmented.
Could you enable liberkeyportabilizer logs and lets us know the content of them, please ? Opens LiberKeyPortabilizer.xml et update <Log>off</Log> to <Log>on</Log>, logs are located into log subfolder
you can also try to copy liberkeytools folder from a new liberkey installation (just to recover the folder)
Finally, please also let us know your liberkey configuration : LiberKey Tools -> Configuration -> Technical informations
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
I run it from local drive which has more than 90 gb space free. nothing shows up in task manager no matter what I do. if I rename liberkeyportablizer it gives error and shows up in task manager.
I have enabled log and will paste in next post. I also tried looking at log but do not see any trace of application not launching. it only has entry of application which I am able to launch. I am unabel to launch AIMP for example do not see anything in log.
I did install liberkey somewhere and pasted overwriting information in current location. after that I used add remove app from local Apps directory.
Here is the configuration information:
LiberKey 5.5 - 20110616124445 - en (1.10) Root folder: E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\ Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (NT 6.1.7601) 64bits Update channel: normal Logs: OFF (Level: Error) Antivirus: Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010, OnAccessScanning: enabled, Uptodate: yes 7-Zip - 9.20 - Installer\7z.exe LiberKey Inst - - Installer\LKInst.exe KEY Files Assoc' - - KeyFileAssoc\KeyFileAssoc.exe LiberKey Menu - - LiberKeyMenu\LiberKeyMenu.exe LiberKey Portabilizer - - LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer.exe LiberKey Apps Closer - - LKAppsClose\LKAppsClose.exe Liberkey Apps Version Checker - - LKAppsVCheck\LKAppsVCheck.exe LiberKey Disk Ejector - 0.1.15 - LkDiskEjector\LkDiskEjector.exe LiberKey USB Eject - - LkDiskEjector\LkEject.exe LiberKey Portable Desktop Shortcuts - - PDS\PDS.exe WAK - 1.0.13 - WAK.exe
Here is the Log:
11:02:06 | 110C | ---- LiberKey Portabilizer v2.0.379 (VistaMin: yes) ---- 11:02:06 | 110C | Loading language file : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:02:06 | 110C | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:02:06 | 110C | Current language: en 11:02:06 | 110C | Recherche des instances existantes... 11:02:06 | 110C | Attente mutex.. 11:02:06 | 110C | Attente Mutex: 0.8869 ms 11:02:06 | 110C | -Instance [PID:5328] => ProcUser:MAILTO\singhs | SessUser:MAILTO\singhs | Admin:no | Elevated:no 11:02:06 | 110C | Portabilizer equivalent déjà en cours d'exécution. Passe la commande.. 11:02:06 | 110C | Mutex libéré 11:02:06 | 110C | Send request to 1 => parse_cmd_line 11:02:06 | 110C | Reponse: 200 OK [parse_cmd_line] 11:04:25 | FA0 | ---- LiberKey Portabilizer v2.0.379 (VistaMin: yes) ---- 11:04:25 | FA0 | Loading language file : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:04:25 | FA0 | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:04:25 | FA0 | Current language: en 11:04:25 | FA0 | Recherche des instances existantes... 11:04:25 | FA0 | Attente mutex.. 11:04:25 | FA0 | Attente Mutex: 0.8988 ms 11:04:25 | FA0 | -Instance [PID:7560] => ProcUser:MAILTO\singhs | SessUser:MAILTO\singhs | Admin:yes | Elevated:yes 11:04:25 | FA0 | Loading language file : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:04:25 | FA0 | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:04:25 | FA0 | Current language: en 11:04:25 | FA0 | DeclareAppInstance LBKPortabilizer_2.0 11:04:25 | FA0 | ChangeWindowMessageFilter 4A 11:04:25 | FA0 | Mutex libéré 11:04:25 | FA0 | Instance déclarée. ID = 2 11:04:25 | FA0 | Traitement des contextes d'applications non restaurés... 11:04:25 | FA0 | Les contextes d'exécution ont tous été restaurés. 11:04:25 | FA0 | Commande mise en file d'attente : /app="E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat" /lkpend 11:04:25 | FA0 | Traitement commmande : /app="E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat" /lkpend 11:04:25 | FA0 | Attente mutex.. 11:04:25 | FA0 | Attente Mutex: 1.1607 ms 11:04:25 | FA0 | Mutex libéré 11:04:25 | FA0 | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat 11:04:25 | FA0 | Rechercher portabilization en cours par un autre user (1 instances a checher, DataPath: E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat) 11:04:25 | FA0 | Send request to 1 => is_app_pized E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat 11:04:25 | FA0 | Reponse: not_pized E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat 11:04:28 | FA0 | Save text file as UTF8 : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\Data\License_accepted.log 11:04:28 | 2BC0 | ---- LiberKey Portabilizer v2.0.379 (VistaMin: yes) ---- 11:04:28 | 2BC0 | Loading language file : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:04:28 | 2BC0 | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:04:28 | 2BC0 | Current language: en 11:04:28 | 2BC0 | Recherche des instances existantes... 11:04:28 | 2BC0 | Attente mutex.. 11:04:28 | 2BC0 | Attente Mutex: 1.4101 ms 11:04:28 | 2BC0 | -Instance [PID:3544] => ProcUser:MAILTO\singhs | SessUser:MAILTO\singhs | Admin:yes | Elevated:yes 11:04:28 | 2BC0 | Portabilizer equivalent déjà en cours d'exécution. Passe la commande.. 11:04:28 | 2BC0 | Mutex libéré 11:04:28 | 2BC0 | Send request to 2 => parse_cmd_line /app="E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat" /lkpend 11:04:29 | FA0 | Réception commande par pipe : /app="E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat" /lkpend 11:04:29 | FA0 | Commande mise en file d'attente : /app="E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat" /lkpend 11:04:29 | 2BC0 | Reponse: 200 OK [parse_cmd_line] 11:04:29 | FA0 | Traitement commmande : /app="E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat" /lkpend 11:04:29 | FA0 | Attente mutex.. 11:04:29 | FA0 | Attente Mutex: 1.3077 ms 11:04:29 | FA0 | Mutex libéré 11:04:29 | FA0 | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat 11:04:29 | FA0 | Rechercher portabilization en cours par un autre user (1 instances a checher, DataPath: E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat) 11:04:29 | FA0 | Send request to 1 => is_app_pized E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat 11:04:29 | FA0 | Reponse: not_pized E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\SystemExplorer\SystemExplorerLKL.dat 11:04:29 | FA0 | 30110429_374 - Démarrage portabilisation de "System Explorer".. 11:04:31 | FA0 | 30110429_374 - Exécution version portable de "System Explorer".. 11:04:31 | FA0 | 30110429_374 - System Explorer démarré. 11:04:47 | FA0 | 30110429_374 - L'application "System Explorer" vient de quitter. Restauration du contexte... 11:04:50 | 824 | ---- LiberKey Portabilizer v2.0.379 (VistaMin: yes) ---- 11:04:50 | 824 | Loading language file : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:04:50 | 824 | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:04:50 | 824 | Current language: en 11:04:50 | 824 | Recherche des instances existantes... 11:04:50 | 824 | Attente mutex.. 11:04:50 | 824 | Attente Mutex: 1.5329 ms 11:04:50 | 824 | -Instance [PID:9532] => ProcUser:MAILTO\singhs | SessUser:MAILTO\singhs | Admin:no | Elevated:no 11:04:50 | 824 | Portabilizer equivalent déjà en cours d'exécution. Passe la commande.. 11:04:50 | 824 | Mutex libéré 11:04:50 | 824 | Send request to 1 => parse_cmd_line /app="E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\IPNetInfo\IPNetInfoLKL.dat" /lkpend 11:04:50 | 824 | Reponse: 200 OK [parse_cmd_line] 11:04:52 | 25F4 | ---- LiberKey Portabilizer v2.0.379 (VistaMin: yes) ---- 11:04:52 | 25F4 | Loading language file : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:04:52 | 25F4 | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:04:52 | 25F4 | Current language: en 11:04:52 | 25F4 | Recherche des instances existantes... 11:04:52 | 25F4 | Attente mutex.. 11:04:52 | 25F4 | Attente Mutex: 1.4474 ms 11:04:52 | 25F4 | -Instance [PID:3476] => ProcUser:MAILTO\singhs | SessUser:MAILTO\singhs | Admin:no | Elevated:no 11:04:52 | 25F4 | Portabilizer equivalent déjà en cours d'exécution. Passe la commande.. 11:04:52 | 25F4 | Mutex libéré 11:04:52 | 25F4 | Send request to 1 => parse_cmd_line /app="E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\IPNetInfo\IPNetInfoLKL.dat" /lkpend 11:04:52 | 25F4 | Reponse: 200 OK [parse_cmd_line] 11:05:06 | 18B4 | ---- LiberKey Portabilizer v2.0.379 (VistaMin: yes) ---- 11:05:06 | 18B4 | Loading language file : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:05:06 | 18B4 | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:05:06 | 18B4 | Current language: en 11:05:06 | 18B4 | Recherche des instances existantes... 11:05:06 | 18B4 | Attente mutex.. 11:05:06 | 18B4 | Attente Mutex: 1.4085 ms 11:05:06 | 18B4 | -Instance [PID:9380] => ProcUser:MAILTO\singhs | SessUser:MAILTO\singhs | Admin:no | Elevated:no 11:05:06 | 18B4 | Portabilizer equivalent déjà en cours d'exécution. Passe la commande.. 11:05:06 | 18B4 | Mutex libéré 11:05:06 | 18B4 | Send request to 1 => parse_cmd_line /app="E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\Pidgin\PidginLKL.dat" /lkpend 11:05:06 | 18B4 | Reponse: 200 OK [parse_cmd_line] 11:05:26 | 6DC | ---- LiberKey Portabilizer v2.0.379 (VistaMin: yes) ---- 11:05:26 | 6DC | Loading language file : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:05:26 | 6DC | Loaded text file as ANSI (auto) : E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyPortabilizer\LiberKeyPortabilizer_en.xml 11:05:26 | 6DC | Current language: en 11:05:26 | 6DC | Recherche des instances existantes... 11:05:26 | 6DC | Attente mutex.. 11:05:26 | 6DC | Attente Mutex: 1.3666 ms 11:05:26 | 6DC | -Instance [PID:2840] => ProcUser:MAILTO\singhs | SessUser:MAILTO\singhs | Admin:no | Elevated:no 11:05:26 | 6DC | Portabilizer equivalent déjà en cours d'exécution. Passe la commande.. 11:05:26 | 6DC | Mutex libéré 11:05:26 | 6DC | Send request to 1 => parse_cmd_line /app="E:\Portable Apps\LiberKey\Apps\EssentialPIM\EssentialPIMLKL.dat" /lkpend 11:05:26 | 6DC | Reponse: 200 OK [parse_cmd_line]
Well strange, we should have some "firefoxlkl" logs... When you updated LiberkeyPortabilizer, did you close all portables applications before ? (i.e. including all applications started at liberkey startup) If you haven't do it, we will never see logs from the first instance of LiberkeyPortabilizer (the only one remaining at the end)
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
I did close all application when re-installed liberkey. I am going to re install liberkey today at different location and see if that works with fresh applications.
I did install Liberkey in different folder and copy everything overwriting my installation. would not that overwrite the LiberkeyTools? When I did that it removed all my shortcuts which I recovered by installing Apps from Apps folder, which did not work.
I did not do anything, I just removed "Space" from my installation path and everything started working in my old installation. I did so many things so can not be damn sure.
anyway, it is working so you can mark this solved.