Suggestion for commercial use
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Suggestion for commercial useI love LiberKey and use it a lot, but sometimes I encounter some difficulties to use it on my work.
I think LiberKey is made mainly for personal home use, because there are a lot of software in it that have that kind of licence. But we know that some of them are free for commercial use. So, when I am with my LiberKey flash drive at work, I always have to check the license before opening apps that I do not know if I can use at work... So, my suggestion is: 1. Add a direct download suite called "Enterprise" 1.1. It will contains all licences that allow commercial unrestrictive use, as GPL; 1.2. The commercial licence that are in some kind restrictive would be removed from that list (people that would like to use that restrictive commercial licence software, would download it). 2. Add a tab to LiberKey menu to show software by licence: 2.1. For example, with following categories: Unrestricted freeware, Personal use freeware; 2.2. Another example, with following categories: GPL, MPL etc. 2.3. Inside those categories, all the type categories would be inside as subcategories (e.g.: GPL > Internet > Website copy > HTTrack). 3. Add a way to search for apps on catalog by licence type
Re: Suggestion for commercial useThis suggestion seems to me excellent!
I hope to find time to think seriously about it. This seems quite feasible and would be very useful.
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