unable to install Ultimate suite
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unable to install Ultimate suiteI have installed LiberKey, but I am hitting an obstacle in installing the Ultimate suite. I didn't want all 153 programs, so I selected some by checking their boxes.
![]() I thought clicking on the violet Ultimate Suite box would start installing the programs, but nothing happens. I have looked in vain for anything to click on. I don't want to click on "Install all applications in the selected suite". I did install via the website a couple of programs that are not in the 153 on the application before finishing my selections on the application menu. Could that have messed things up? I have been hindered from registering an account with LiberKey. https://www.liberkey.com/en/forums/supp ... -7599.html I don't know if that is a factor.
Re: unable to install Ultimate suiteEven if the button shows Install all applications in the selected suite only apps checked (like Audacity in your example) are really install when you click it.
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