Using LiberKey on a partition is slow?

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Using LiberKey on a partition is slow?

Messagede Dirki » 12 Décembre 2014, 12:59

I have 2 partitions on an internal HDD, C: with Win 7 and I: with all of my own data and portable apps, LiberKey. I have heard running LiberKey / portable apps on a partition (I:) slows down the Notebook / computer extremely, because the head of the drive has to jump from C: to I: all the time. Is that correct?
Windows 10 Version 6.2 (Build 9200) Home, 64bit
Newest stable LiberKey
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Inscription: 05 Octobre 2009, 00:45

Re: Using LiberKey on a partition is slow?

Messagede Dji » 12 Décembre 2014, 13:12

Where is located I: ? On a network share ? If yes, this is not supported and yes it is slower than local drives.

I personally have Liberkey on my D: drive (partition) and I never notice it is slower than C
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Re: Using LiberKey on a partition is slow?

Messagede Dirki » 12 Décembre 2014, 13:30

Thank you Dji.

Where is located I: ? On a network share ?

I am not quite sure to understand correctly. I: is on the same drive as C: is. One internal HDD (in a Notebook) 2 patitions: C: and I:. I: has LiberKey.

Where is located I: ? On a network share ?

My programs are extremely slow, do not know, why.
Windows 10 Version 6.2 (Build 9200) Home, 64bit
Newest stable LiberKey
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Messages: 146
Inscription: 05 Octobre 2009, 00:45

Re: Using LiberKey on a partition is slow?

Messagede Dji » 12 Décembre 2014, 16:49

Compare drives performance using for instance Crystal Disk Mark
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Messages: 3724
Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
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Re: Using LiberKey on a partition is slow?

Messagede Dirki » 12 Décembre 2014, 20:49

Thank you for the link, yes, I had already done, but I am not sure about the results:
Windows 10 Version 6.2 (Build 9200) Home, 64bit
Newest stable LiberKey
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Inscription: 05 Octobre 2009, 00:45

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