VLC 64bit: Network Streaming fails!

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VLC 64bit: Network Streaming fails!

Messagede Reinhold » 16 Janvier 2015, 14:18

I tried to watch a video from YouTube with VLC on my Windows8.1, 64bit Computer, but got only error messages.
Watching the video on my Vista, 32bit Notbook worked all right!

I googled the problem and found out that the 64bit-Version of VLC is in beta state and *not* recommended!
The 32 bit version of VLC workes fine on all platforms; the 64bit version brings no advantages.

I have solved the problem for me by renaming the folder "Apps\VLC\App\VLC\x64" to "Dont use this___x64"; that forced VLCLKL.exe to always use the 32bit version.

My suggestion: Leave the 64bit version of VLC out of the distribution!

Greetings from Germany

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 10 Janvier 2015, 19:27

Re: VLC 64bit: Network Streaming fails!

Messagede Dji » 16 Janvier 2015, 15:10

Reinhold a écrit:I tried to watch a video from YouTube with VLC on my Windows8.1, 64bit Computer, but got only error messages.
Watching the video on my Vista, 32bit Notbook worked all right!

I have solved the problem for me by renaming the folder "Apps\VLC\App\VLC\x64" to "Dont use this___x64"; that forced VLCLKL.exe to always use the 32bit version.

Nice to see you found by yourself the correct workaround :bigsmile:

Reinhold a écrit:I googled the problem and found out that the 64bit-Version of VLC is in beta state and *not* recommended!

vlc 2.1.5 x64 is not in a (official) beta state

Reinhold a écrit:The 32 bit version of VLC workes fine on all platforms; the 64bit version brings no advantages.

No advantages ? Err, better perfomances for 64 bits operating systems, maybe ? ;) (ok, could be not perceptible)

Reinhold a écrit:My suggestion: Leave the 64bit version of VLC out of the distribution!

no way ;)
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