When I click the html file VLC starts instead of Firefox?

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When I click the html file VLC starts instead of Firefox?

Messagede Dirki » 26 Octobre 2016, 11:44

I have those file associations:

Why does the html file show the VLC icon? When I click the html file VLC starts instead of Firefox, why is it?
Windows 10 Version 6.2 (Build 9200) Home, 64bit
Newest stable LiberKey
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Messages: 146
Inscription: 05 Octobre 2009, 00:45

Re: When I click the html file VLC starts instead of Firefox

Messagede JP4U » 26 Octobre 2016, 12:24

Hello. it's perhaps a problem with a corrupted C:\LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\KeyFileAssoc\KeyFileAssoc.xml file . Close your Liberkey. After have renamed it like KeyFileAssoc_HS.xml try copy and rename inone of the backup files like KeyFileAssoc_2016-10-17_20-11-36.xml you find in the bak directory to replace it. Restarts your Liberkey and see if the problem persists.

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Re: When I click the html file VLC starts instead of Firefox

Messagede Dirki » 26 Octobre 2016, 12:43

Many thanks, JP4U.

This problem / behavior is already existing for a long time, may be a year or 2 or so, so most likely the back up files will be corrupted also, if the original files is damaged.

May be there is another way?

When I "Restore the local...." the html file opens correctly, when I use Liberkeys associations the html file is opened with VLC.

Thank you very much, again.
Windows 10 Version 6.2 (Build 9200) Home, 64bit
Newest stable LiberKey
Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 146
Inscription: 05 Octobre 2009, 00:45

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