PortableApps support with custom location and menu

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PortableApps support with custom location and menu

Messagede Lockszmith » 16 Octobre 2011, 13:47

I've written this in a previous post, but it probably should have been on a dedicated one, so here I try again:
This is directed to OpenDev and the rest of the LiberKey devs.:
    it would be great to have an option to manage the destination folder of .paf files.
    I personally hold all my paf.exe apps in a subfolder of the LiberKey/MyApps folder, more specifically:
    LiberKeyRoot\MyApps\PortableApps\<Portable App Name subfolder>
    And although I love the automatic take over of the installation process you designed, I wish I could direct it to install to my subfolder.
    Also, if all .paf auto-installed apps could be placed in a menu of my choosing and not in the "root" liberkey menu, that would be great too.
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Re: PortableApps support with custom location and menu

Messagede DerBusIsVoll » 14 Février 2012, 02:03

Hello All,

Let me second this request. We would have best of two worlds with this approach.

Another maybe even more effortless solution might be to install PortableApps within LiberKey\MyApps, conduct the PAF install & update through the PortableApps toolset but allow LiberKey to detect new apps also through the LiberKey\MyApps\PortableApps subdirectory, thus just adding a line "Adding Application ... from MyApps\PortableApps folder".

Any thoughts?

Brgds DerBusIsVoll
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Re: PortableApps support with custom location and menu

Messagede VulcanTourist » 25 Juillet 2012, 23:17

Wait... so does this mean that I can install PortableApps packages directly in LiberKey?
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Re: PortableApps support with custom location and menu

Messagede Dji » 26 Juillet 2012, 08:51

Yes, but only in MyApps folder (not in a sub-folder)

If you want to add it under a sub-folder, you can do it but manually (first add it under MyApps, then move the added folder under a sub-folder and finally, update menu shortcuts)
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Re: PortableApps support with custom location and menu

Messagede VulcanTourist » 26 Juillet 2012, 10:34

Oh, so then this discussion was about generalizing the process so they can be installed the same as LiberKey apps? That could be a sneaky good thing. That should also make a certain John Haller have a complete meltdown (I know about the conflict).
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Re: PortableApps support with custom location and menu

Messagede Dji » 26 Juillet 2012, 11:15

Try it ! Double-clic under .paf.exe, follow wizzards and see what happens ;)

P.S : portables apps updates are not taken into account, of course.
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Sounds Very Useful...But...

Messagede GrahamG » 27 Juillet 2012, 13:59

Being able to install PortableApps within LiberKey is a very useful idea. The only PortableApps I would want to install would be (primarily) LibreOffice. Why? Because LibreOffice has Java dependencies and LiberKey doesn''t have a Java solution like PA does.

There would only be one downside - and I'll check this out shortly - I recall the PA version of OpenOffice didn't like it if it was installed too many folders down from the 'root' \PortableApps folder. If this isn't an issue, then I'll be using this method. I'm not too fussed where LiberKey installs the PA apps and would be happy with them going into MyApps (afterall, that's where I've put my non-LiberKey portable apps anyhow).

GrahamG, UK
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