LiberKey Chrome makes profile in AppData

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LiberKey Chrome makes profile in AppData

Messagede Leegaert » 15 Septembre 2014, 14:28


At work we are required to use the LiberKey Chrome version. Since I've started using this software, I noticed some strange behavior. I have the shortcut pinned to my taskbar. When I click the shortcut two windows are opened. Each of those use a separate profile. The first uses the profile in the LiberKey folder: C:\path\to\liberkey\lkl\Apps\Chrome\Data\Profile, the other creates/uses the profile in AppData: C:\Users\<<my user>>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data.

Is there any way to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 15 Septembre 2014, 14:15

Re: LiberKey Chrome makes profile in AppData

Messagede Dji » 15 Septembre 2014, 15:11

The reason is: you put Chrome your default browser or you are using chrome.exe instead of chromeLKL.exe

Consequence, you don't run Chrome using LiberkeyPortabilizer/launcher and don't keep portability.

You have to remove Chrome as your default brower and move profile to Liberkey\App\Chrome\Data

And of course, run chromeLKL.exe anytime
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Re: LiberKey Chrome makes profile in AppData

Messagede Leegaert » 15 Septembre 2014, 15:34

Thanks for your reply Dji,

After following your instructions, I got the shortcut to work properly. Does this mean I can't ever set Chrome as my default browser without having to run the LiberKey Tool to enable the file associations?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 15 Septembre 2014, 14:15

Re: LiberKey Chrome makes profile in AppData

Messagede Dji » 15 Septembre 2014, 15:38

You have to use KeyFileAssoc fir this (KFA is run if you enable menu option "Enable File Associations"): You can setup http and/or html files to ChromeLKL.exe as default application. Doing this inside KFA is safe for portability, else not.
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Re: LiberKey Chrome makes profile in AppData

Messagede Leegaert » 15 Septembre 2014, 17:44

Okay, thank you for all the information!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 15 Septembre 2014, 14:15

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