Correct associating with FirefoxLKL instead of FireFox.exe
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Correct associating with FirefoxLKL instead of FireFox.exeHi
I set FireFox with Liberkey as default browser. But whenever I open a link from any other document/e-mail or .url file, it always calls FireFox.exe which doesn't have settings and extensions which I have setup with FirefoxLKL.exe. How can I redirect default associations to FirefoxLKL.exe from FireFox.exe? I guess same would be applicable to other applications. Best regards Farrukh
Re: Correct associating with FirefoxLKL instead of FireFox.eUse KeyFileAssoc instead : Liberkey Tools -> Activate file association
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Correct associating with FirefoxLKL instead of FireFox.eHi
I set FireFox with Liberkey as default browser. But whenever I open a link from any other document/e-mail or .url file, it always calls FireFox.exe which doesn't have settings and extensions which I have setup with FirefoxLKL.exe.
Re: Correct associating with FirefoxLKL instead of FireFox.eGood evening.
In the french section, see these topic and these one if you have selected Firefox as default browser. JP4U
Re: Correct associating with FirefoxLKL instead of FireFox.eIs there any other settings that have to be selected to make Liberkey as default browser? I have set Liberkey as default browser but it still opens Firefox when I try to open the Internet. I have to manually open Liberkey and go online. How to fix this?
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