Warning you have just launched .... while the portable versi

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Re: Warning you have just launched .... while the portable v

Postby JP4U » 23 October 2018, 23:29

Very sory for the pictures. You're right.
In fact after tests with Chrome Chromium and Opera your pictures apears.
But in my Firefox not. It was Ghostery that block it. So i've put the forum in white list for the future.
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Re: Warning you have just launched .... while the portable v

Postby wquatan » 24 October 2018, 01:15

No problem :bigsmile:

How / where can I add something (like a picture) as an attachment to a reply (the way you did it) ?
Can't find anything to do so
Is that described somewhere ? Is that a hidden feature ?
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Re: Warning you have just launched .... while the portable v

Postby JP4U » 24 October 2018, 23:22

I don't remember, but moderators and administrators may have more options than basic users. Skybird at the time was the pricipal architect of the migration forum.

I do not know if you have this tab under the forum input window
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Re: Warning you have just launched .... while the portable v

Postby wquatan » 25 October 2018, 00:47

JP4U wrote:I do not know if you have this tab under the forum input window

Negative :cry:
Could in many cases be very useful !
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[SOLVED] Warning you have just launched .... while the porta

Postby wquatan » 27 November 2018, 11:55


The problem happens under Win10 when the Liberkey Folder is located on a NetworkShare with a NetworkConnection (drive-letter) associated to it. Which SHOULD act as a local drive/partition.

In WinXP the same setup was working without any problem.

Moving the Liberkey Folder to a "real" local-partition solves the app launching problem which happened only for apps launched with LiberkeyPortabilizer.exe. My own Portable Apps in MYAPPS didn't have that problem.

To conclude : the problem is related to LiberkeyPortabilizer.exe + Win10 + NetworkShare/NetworkConnection
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Re: Warning you have just launched .... while the portable v

Postby wquatan » 30 August 2019, 08:51

Utilisateur banni wrote:A number of apps are autorun by Liberkey, and under Windows 10 Liberkey gives a "warning you have just launched .... while the portable version is running. Please close the non-portable version before you attempt to run the portable version" for some of them.

1) Please reread the topic
2) It has absolutely nothing todo with your explanation, see earlier reply in this topic
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Re: Warning you have just launched .... while the portable v

Postby glikbero » 10 October 2020, 22:08

Hi to all, I'm new to this forum.
Searching around for my problem, I found this quite old thread, but anyway, I had that problem too with Win 10 and Liberkey 5.8 even when starting the apps from within Liberkey Launcher.
And maybe, wquatan implicited the solution, I found, but I didn't get it from the description above. So I explain my solution a bit more detailed.
As he stated, Liberkey will throw this error when started from a network drive. But when you use diskmgmt.msc (diskmanager) to mount the network drive, and don't use a drive letter, but
    - rightclick the wanted partition
    - select Change Drive Letter and Paths
    - click Add
    - click Mount in the following empty NTFS folder
and enter the path to an empty folder with a speaking name.
This should solve the problem.
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