How to translate ?

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How to translate ?

Messagede opendev » 18 Septembre 2010, 13:05

LiberKey Translation Instructions
Based on LiberKeyLangEditor 0.9.34 (2011-05-13)


1. Copy LbkLangEditor.exe available in this archive file in the LiberKeyTools directory

2. Before starting any translation, you should be sure to have the last release of LiberKey installed (which contains last language files). So if an update exist on the beta channel, it should be installed.

3. Launch LbkLangEditor.exe
Under the File menu, all files to translate are listed (LiberKey Menu, LiberKey Installer etc.)
By default, English language files are loaded

You have two possibilities :

A - Add a new language (only if it doesn't already exist)
Go to Edition Menu, Add Language (fill all fields for the new language, you can later complete fields in the menu Edition, Language Properties).
When the language is added, if you select a software to translate in the File Menu, for each line to translate, red mean still not transtaled in your new language, orange: same string than original language (default english), black: translated.

B - Modify an existing translation (to improve it or to complete not translated parts)
Go to Edition Menu, Load Language and select the language to modify.
Go to File Menu, select the software which need translation modification, Save all changes

4. Share the translation.
Go to Tools, Submit your translation

Warning : during your translation work, if a LiberKey update is available, don't apply it (or you will lose your new translation). Make a backup before:
Go to Tools, Submit your translation, Select the language and select your tools translations
Press ZIP my translations now! (a LangPack archive is saved in LiberKeyTools)
After, you can make the LiberKey update and put back your translation from the archive in the LiberKey
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Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
Messages: 2625
Inscription: 30 Mai 2007, 23:08

Re: How to translate ?

Messagede opendev » 03 Mai 2011, 10:15


2011/05/03 - LbkLangEditor 0.9.32
- Added check of LiberKeyLangEditor update
- Added access to the beta channel information (forum)
- Added activation/deactivation of beta channel from the "tools" menu
- Fixed the bug that prevented the creation of the ZIP package
- Some minor fixes
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Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
Messages: 2625
Inscription: 30 Mai 2007, 23:08

Re: How to translate ?

Messagede opendev » 13 Mai 2011, 15:08


2011/05/13 - LbkLangEditor 0.9.34

- small changes for handling Aragonese language
- new xml nodes are sorted by name
- the timestamp of last update is automatically filled
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Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
Messages: 2625
Inscription: 30 Mai 2007, 23:08

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