Improved English translation

Official translations of LiberKeyTools
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Improved English translation

Messagede BlueMaxima » 08 Mars 2011, 13:59

I apologize if this is the wrong place to put this topic, but I created an improved version of the English translation mainly to remove some of the mistakes and English mistranslations. I will send an email to the LiberKey translation team after I post this topic with the same information.

The link is a zip file with the modified XML files I believe need to be manually added to the LiberKey files (I could not get the language exporter working properly for some reason, the rest of the language translation program worked fine though). Please try as you wish and reply here with the results.

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English translator
English translator
Messages: 24
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:37

Re: Improved English translation

Messagede vagabond » 08 Mars 2011, 16:47

Thank you very much for the improved version of the English translation.
We started to watch and there are actually a lot of corrections.
We can not integrate it as is because there are certain strings (like the names of categories) you can not change as easily in English (they are also used in catalogs, LKS packages, etc.).
We'll look at it more closely and integrate most of your changes in the official version so as to benefit everyone.
Welcome to the translation team! ;)
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Inscription: 14 Février 2007, 11:13

Re: Improved English translation

Messagede BlueMaxima » 08 Mars 2011, 23:29

I can help you with translating parts of the website if you would like my help in doing so.

And thank you, I look forward to seeing my LiberKey translations helping everyone :)
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English translator
English translator
Messages: 24
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:37

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