LiberKey language problem
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LiberKey language problemHi, I use the Liberkey 5.1.0201
I have tried to translate english to norwegian useing the LbkLangEditor I have translated most of the Liberkey Menu, the PSD and LiberKey USB Eject. Saved the files. Now I tries to install the language into my LiberKey, it won't show up in the Configuration/Language in the program. I also want to reedit the _no.xml file, but no it wont show up in the languageeditor... Someone experience same prolly? Or someone help? I wonder: I could use the half translated languagefile in the programme? Or MUST it be translated all way thru?? / JackS ![]() ![]()
Re: LiberKey language problemHello JackS and welcome on forums.
I've moved your message in translation section. Have you read these topic ? JP4U
Re: LiberKey language problemHello Jacks,
It should be great to have a norwegian translation for LiberKey. Don't hesitate to contact me directly for any problem.
Re: LiberKey language problem
After you succeeded to create a new translation file, you can translate parts of LiberKey and save your file. After that, in the configuration of LiberKey -> language, you can first click on any language and then on "Norske (Norwegian)" and you will see your results! The strings that are not translated will remain english in LiberKey.
Re: LiberKey language problemHI There LiberKey dudes !
I have sent my translationsfiles today to the email Hi hope you have received them. I hope that the languagefiles can help others to use the spelendid LiberKey APP! Wooohooo / Jack
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