Norwegian translation of LiberKey

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Norwegian translation of LiberKey

Messagede tefo63 » 20 Août 2009, 19:57

Hi :)

I have been trying LiberKey for some days now, but I missed a "norwegian version". I have made a translation from english. Maybe it's not a perfect translation, but it works for me for now. I will two-tree weeks from now take a new look and see if I have done some wrong or find a better translation - some norwegian out there who want to try my translation?

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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 7
Inscription: 09 Août 2009, 12:42

Re:Norwegian translation of LiberKey

Messagede opendev » 21 Août 2009, 11:40

Hello tefo63 and welcome,

What did you translate ?
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Re:Norwegian translation of LiberKey

Messagede tefo63 » 21 Août 2009, 14:50

Hi :)

I have translated the english.xml file into a norwegian.xml file in the LiberKey-Apps-Asuite-lang.

I have tried to send the xml-code here, but I get acces denied.

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Inscription: 09 Août 2009, 12:42

Re:Norwegian translation of LiberKey

Messagede tefo63 » 21 Août 2009, 15:10

Hi again.

Have also been looking at LKConfig_lng.xml in LiberKeyTools...

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Inscription: 09 Août 2009, 12:42

Re:Norwegian translation of LiberKey

Messagede opendev » 21 Août 2009, 17:44

tefo63 wrote:
I have translated the english.xml file into a norwegian.xml file in the LiberKey-Apps-Asuite-lang.

I have tried to send the xml-code here, but I get acces denied.

The best way is to upload your translation on a service like zshare and post the download link in the forum.

But I inform you that we are developping a complete new launcher which will replace asuite. It will be available in LiberKey 5.0
Some LiberKeyTools will be directly include in this new launcher.

So all translation will change with release 5.0.
A special translation tool will be available during the beta stage of release 5.0 !

Maybe it is better to wait for translation ;)
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Inscription: 30 Mai 2007, 23:08

About LiberKey 5.0 and norwegian translation.

Messagede tefo63 » 21 Août 2009, 17:55


I can try to translate LiberKey 5.0 to norwegian :)

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Fresh Boarder
Messages: 7
Inscription: 09 Août 2009, 12:42

Re:About LiberKey 5.0 and norwegian translation.

Messagede opendev » 21 Août 2009, 18:27

Thanks tefo63,

I just add you in the translator list !
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Re: Norwegian translation of LiberKey

Messagede Magenrax » 27 Juillet 2010, 20:39

I'm also Norwegian, and can help with the translation.
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:58

Re: Norwegian translation of LiberKey

Messagede larsjorgen » 07 Septembre 2010, 00:32

I can help you out, as I`m a translator. English to Norwegian translation is what I do most of the time, so visit my site if you`re interested.
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Inscription: 07 Septembre 2010, 00:30

Re: Norwegian translation of LiberKey

Messagede opendev » 08 Septembre 2010, 21:23


I have moved this topic in the new translation forum where you can find informations about LiberKey 5.0 translation.

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