When Liberkey in german language

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When Liberkey in german language

Messagede joachimk » 11 Septembre 2010, 22:29

When gives Liberkey in german language?

How can I uninstall mobile programs in english language and delete the links from directories and folders in Liberkey?

How can I install mobile programs in german language and link to the directories and folders in Liberkey?

Thank You for your answers.

Joachim Kuehnel

edit by JP4U:
Hello and welcome on forum. I've moved these topic in translation, because German is actually a new language
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 11 Septembre 2010, 22:18

Re: When Liberkey in german language

Messagede herby » 12 Septembre 2010, 07:50

joachimk a écrit:When gives Liberkey in german language?
You can change the language into German in the LIBERKEY options/language. I am still working with it, but there are some problems with translations (for example: Bildung/Astronimie => Bildung/Astronomie should be correct. I also miss a forum in German ( :-( ) - herby

How can I uninstall mobile programs in english language and delete the links from directories and folders in Liberkey?
In my opinion you have to uninstall the programs because I didn't find a way to update the structure and menus without uninstalling - herby

How can I install mobile programs in german language and link to the directories and folders in Liberkey?
I didn't find it in LIBERKEY, but I still use portableapps and there you have the programs installed in the same folder structure. First of all, install it in English. Then delete the content of the APPS folder completely. Everything within the folder APPS can be copied to LIBERKEY folder APPS. Some programs doesn't have the German language pack available. Try to download it from the homepage and put it in the correct folder. I hope there will be a future possibilty to install German programs directly - herby

Thank You for your answers.

Joachim Kuehnel
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 4
Inscription: 12 Septembre 2010, 07:21

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