XML for Simple-Chinese (LiberKey 4.9)

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XML for Simple-Chinese (LiberKey 4.9)

Messagede wsly1 » 26 Juin 2010, 09:26

I translated the English to Chinese. But I cannot upload the file to forum as an attachment. So paste all the content here.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Software's Menu-->
<LabelPcName>????: </LabelPcName>
<LabelCurrentUser>????: </LabelCurrentUser>
<LabelSize>??: </LabelSize>
<LabelFreeSpace>????: </LabelFreeSpace>
<LabelUsedSpace>????: </LabelUsedSpace>
<LabelSwInserted>?????: </LabelSwInserted>
<LabelCatInserted>?????: </LabelCatInserted>
<LabelTotal>??: </LabelTotal>
<!--ASuite's Menu-->
<!--File Menu-->
<!--Edit List Menu/PopUp Menu-->
<!--Help Menu-->
<!--Trayicon Menu-->
<TrayiconShowASuite>??LiberKey 4.9</TrayiconShowASuite>
<!--ASuite's Page-->
<LabelASVersion>?? </LabelASVersion>
<!--Software's Page-->
<!--Check list-->
<!--Other functions-->
<!--System Tray-->
<Form45><!--Property Sw/Cat-->
<LabelInformation3>??: ?????ASuite????????????$ASuite?</LabelInformation3>
<Form6><!--Import List-->
<MessageDownload>???? %s</MessageDownload>
<string09>???? %s</string09>
<string15>?????? %s</string15>
<string16>?????? %s</string16>
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 26 Juin 2010, 09:17

Re: XML for Simple-Chinese (LiberKey 4.9)

Messagede opendev » 26 Juin 2010, 21:48

hello wsly1,

Great job and thanks for your translation !

We will open official translation forum the next week for LiberKey 5.0.

If you want, Liberkey Team will be pleased if you can translate this LiberKey in Chinese.
merci de lire ce message
please read this message
Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
Messages: 2625
Inscription: 30 Mai 2007, 23:08

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