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Messagede tinybutstrong » 19 Mai 2013, 00:08

Languages: EN / FR / PL / IT / ES / DK
Compatibility: Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/
License: Freeware.
Description: A small, fast application designed to be a powerful IRC client

AdiRC is a handy and useful application designed to help you easily connect to a channel / server and start chating with your friends. AdiRC is a small and fast application designed to be a powerful IRC client.

AdiIRC stores all its settings in text files, this way you can grab the adiirc folder and put in on a usb device or external harddrive. Take all your settings and servers with you everywhere!


Website :
Download page:

My opinion: it is very light and powerful irc client, a true alternative to mIRC for Windows platform. Love the extensive options to customize and the initial MSL support (mIRC Scripting Language).
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 18 Mai 2013, 23:50

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