[IRC] Smuxi

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[IRC] Smuxi

Messagede JOHNNYCRE8 » 24 Avril 2010, 17:08


Languages: En / Fr / It / Spa / Ger
Compatibility: Win 2000/Xp/Vista/7 || Linux
License: GPL
Author's description:
What is Smuxi?

Smuxi is an irssi-inspired, flexible, user-friendly and cross-platform IRC client for sophisticated users, targeting the GNOME desktop.

Why did you start making Smuxi, we have many IRC client out there?!

Development of Smuxi started in 2004 making an IRC client that fits the needs I could not satisfy with irssi. I was using irssi over 4 years and it's the best the IRC client I have used so far. Most annoying was that it didn't integrate at all into my desktop experience (such as mouse / clipboard / theming / highlight handling). Thus irssi inspired lots of features and commands seen in Smuxi.

So, and what is special about Smuxi?

The special feature of Smuxi is that it can be used like the typical irssi+screen combo. The IRC session can run on a server (using `smuxi-server') and a frontend (like `smuxi-frontend-gnome') then can connect to that. The frontend can then be detached and re-attached at some later point without losing any IRC connections or messages.

Advantages: Great piece of Software (Keep It Small & Simple), great Community
multi-antivirus: clean - its GPL take a look into the sources
Website: http://www.smuxi.org
Download page:http://www.smuxi.org/page/Download
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 24 Avril 2010, 16:38

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