Please incorporate "Index Your Files" (IYF) in LiberKey
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Please incorporate "Index Your Files" (IYF) in LiberKey17 Languages: English, Spanish, Romanian, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, French, S/T Chinese,
_________ Bulgarian, Brazilian, Turkish, Czech, Dutch, Polish, Lithuanian and Kurdish. Compatibility: Windows: NT 4.0/2000/XP/Vista/Seven Linux:Wine License : Freeware. Author's description:
Advantages of Index Your Files (IYF) over Everything:
Website / Download page of IYF :
Again: Please incorporate Index Your Files (IYF) 2 LiberKeyPlease incorporate "Index Your Files" (IYF) to LiberKey. It is much better than the liberkey-integrated search tool "everything". With "everything" you cannot search in network-folders e.g. in your company-network without admin-rights. With IYF this is very easy. IYF is the best local AND network search tool, I have ever seen. I do not understand, why it is not well known by many people, because it is really one of the most precious portable-tools I know. Until now I must use it outside frome LiberKey. This app would also contribute to make LiberKey more useful and popular and vice versa IYF would be discovered by more peopl,e if it would be integrated in LiberKey.
My proposal to the LiberKey staff or people, who read this post: Please download and use the portable IYF to test it! If you know it, you will never be without IYF in a big company network. Now you can find each file in max. 3 seconds Please try it and then give a comment here in this forum, what is Your opinion to "Index Your Files". I use IYF every day since estimated 2 years.
Re: Please incorporate "Index Your Files" (IYF) in LiberKeyI will try this app. But even if it is a good app - developers consent is also important before it could appear in LiberKey.
Re: Please incorporate "Index Your Files" (IYF) in LiberKeySome minutes ago I wrote the following E-Mail to the developer (contact see
I hope the develover will give his permission to integrate IYF to LiberKey. Many Thanks to akhouri_sarvesh for your answer to this topic. Best Regards ErnestB
Re: Please incorporate "Index Your Files" (IYF) in LiberKeyThe application is already portable. You can copy the application folder under MyApps and Drag 'n' drop the exe to My menu - that's it and all is done.
Please incorporate "Index Your Files" (IYF) in LiberKey-Cata
Dear Akhouri! I know, that is possible to use IYF in MyApps as you described. But I suggest to integrate it to the Liberkey-Apps-List, which you can see in So more people would detect IYF, and the installation and update-process would be better and easier.
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