Portable Screenhunter Free

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Portable Screenhunter Free

Messagede irwazr » 21 Août 2013, 05:52

Topic Title: Portable Screenhunter Free 6

Languages: En
Compatibility: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, for both 32-bit and 64-bit
License: Freeware.
Author's description: Fast and easy screen capture software for anyone who doesn't need the extra functionality in 6 Pro and enjoy the economical price, and more...
Website : http://www.wisdom-soft.com
Download page: http://www.wisdom-soft.com/downloads/downloadfiles.htm

Portability Instructions: http://www.wisdom-soft.com/kb/faq.htm#portable
The app is already portable, you can copy and move the installation directory anywhere (USB etc) and it continues to work.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:44

Re: Portable Screenhunter Free

Messagede JP4U » 21 Août 2013, 08:37

Hello and welcome on forums.

Unfortunally the free version of the app don't offer all options (http://www.wisdom-soft.com/sh/sh_compare.htm).
So some of the capturing tools in the Liberkey like PickPick are more powerfull.

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Team LiberKey
Team LiberKey
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Inscription: 30 Mars 2007, 13:58

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