LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Provides some LiberKey tools versions under development
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Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede tridentcore » 18 Juin 2010, 02:43

Damn..!!! Awesome..!! The patch is straight down to the current issues... Way to go LiberKey...!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Oh I forgot.. Can you make the taskbar appearance when the menu show up to be removed?

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 20
Inscription: 07 Février 2010, 07:57

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede Maettes » 18 Juin 2010, 09:43

Good morning, bonjour a tout!
After installing the patch for the LiberKey Menu 5.0 two days ago if have some problems:

I can not start some programs as before (Stickies, Open Office, Essential Pim and others).
By clicking on the link the hourglass comes up for a few seconds but nothing happens. Same problem when running on the 4.9 menu. Programs can be startet manually from the stick, but using the menu doesn't work. I have no idea what happens here - do you have?

Kind regards from Dortmund

Kind regards from Dortmund

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 14
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:51

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede Maettes » 18 Juin 2010, 10:44

Hi guys, sorry to bother again - but sometime it's really good to reboot!!! :blush:
After rebooting all applications are running again, no problems to start the programs from the menu.
Kind regards from Dortmund

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 14
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:51

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available: minimize after n time?

Messagede MicketsBR » 18 Juin 2010, 18:31


I posted this in the original LiberKey Menu 5.0 forum, but I believe no one read it because it has now been released to public and so people are discussing it here.

Anyway, here's my original post:

I've been trying Liberkey Menu for some weeks now, and it is VERY GOOD!

Excellent work indeed, and congratulations to all of the developers!

One little suggestion: an option so that the menu will minimize after an application has been launched, and/or an option to minimize after n seconds. One or both of these would be great!

Why? because once an application is launched, the focus is now on the application and hitting the ESC key won't minimize the menu, so the user has to click on the menu, and then click on the minimize button. Two steps.

Anyway, a "minimize after application is launched" would be awesome.

Thanks again,

Expert Boarder
Expert Boarder
Messages: 105
Inscription: 24 Novembre 2009, 15:45

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede Dji » 18 Juin 2010, 20:56

use right click on tray icon to access menu and launch applications more efficiently ;)
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Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede tridentcore » 19 Juin 2010, 07:57

Dji a écrit:use right click on tray icon to access menu and launch applications more efficiently ;)

is that a solution or what? using the right click menu are just back to old menu (LK4)... I prefer you as the developer tell us what you guys doing right now (providing the future patch or else).. post the release notes in this thread.. is there any development for auto-hide menu issue? Is my issue can be approved (previous post)? :cry: :cry:

to be honest, your new menu design (LK5beta) is trully awesome.. Windows + LiberKey for basic user is more than enough.. :blush: :blush:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 20
Inscription: 07 Février 2010, 07:57

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede JP4U » 19 Juin 2010, 08:30


As Vagabond has wrote here :
Once the most problems will be solved, we will progress faster on the user interface options. We will add, for example, the ability to define specific actions for the clicks, configure keyboard shortcuts, start with the main menu always closed (or open), close the menu after running an application, etc..
It is a beta version, and it is still evolving ... Keep in mind that this is only the beginning ;-)

There are priorities in development . (bugs, and so on... before the ergonomy of all the menus).

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Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede feeks » 19 Juin 2010, 13:05

5.0 Rocks

About the only thing I miss is the activation of the LiberKey menu from the screen boundaries!

Congratulations guys! :kiss: :bigsmile:
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 16
Inscription: 21 Mai 2010, 08:18

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede feeks » 19 Juin 2010, 15:51

Perhaps it is something that I have missed or that it is a little early to say as I have only just upgraded to 5.0 but I would suggest providing Bread-crumbing or similar to navigate up and down the application structure from the main applications window.

Single clicking the structure that you wish to advance to via a bread-crumb of the structure path would significantly improve the user experience.

Still a great effort guys and once again congratulations!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 16
Inscription: 21 Mai 2010, 08:18

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede danz » 19 Juin 2010, 18:52

Love it love it love it! :lol:
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