LiberKey Portabilizer Documentation
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LiberKey Portabilizer DocumentationHello.
As announced here, we worked on the opening of the LiberKey portabilization. The first step of the documentation is finally available ! (work still in progress) Access to the LiberKeyPortabilizer Documentation. LiberKey Team.
Re: LiberKey Portabilizer DocumentationI download liberkey today .i need this .THANK YOU
Re: LiberKey Portabilizer DocumentationI know it's work in progress but this link should go way on top once it's more complete.
In its current state it has no benefit. Why run LiberKeyPortabilizer.exe my.lpf /lkpend just to run another program?! The whole benefit will come once the whole XML can support all operations of PortableApps Launcher (which is very difficult as they use NSIS and hence support many many plugins). However most portable apps don't require that much, just a very few do. Then there must be a way to compile that XML to share it and so it goes in the LiberKey menu. I wouldn't mind keeping the XML open (uncompiled) as long as it works like LiberKey portable apps and not like a command-line thing. The advantage I see of using LiberKey portabilizer is:
Re: LiberKey Portabilizer DocumentationThanks for the LiberKey Portabilizer1 documentation. I downloaded liberkey.
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