Frequent traveller

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Frequent traveller

Messagede traveller » 22 Octobre 2014, 16:48

Hi There,

As A frequent traveller I use a lot of different pcs around the world.
Does the LiberKey leave any data on the host PC?
Does the LiberKey protect against key loggers?
If no, is there a compatable onscreen keyboard one can download which does avoid key logging?

Thanks very much in advance
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 22 Octobre 2014, 16:45

Re: Frequent traveller

Messagede Dji » 23 Octobre 2014, 08:41

traveller a écrit:Does the LiberKey leave any data on the host PC?

Well, some data could be stored temporally on the host PC by some applications which are not 100% portable but our portabilization engine should delete them at application closure.
At the end, all temporary data would be deleted, but you know nobody is perfect ;-)

traveller a écrit:Does the LiberKey protect against key loggers?
If no, is there a compatible onscreen keyboard one can download which does avoid key logging?

Liberkey is not supposed to replace an anti-virus, anti-trojan, anti-loggers, anti-<whatever something suspect> on the host PC. If the host is compromised, Liberkey won't detect it and could be compromised by the host.

I'm not sure keyloggers can be easily workrounded by a virtual keyboard, but you can test Click-N-Type from our catalog for that.
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Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
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