GimPhoto for Windows

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GimPhoto for Windows

Messagede syd3 » 07 Août 2011, 00:48

Langues : En
Compatibilité : Windows/linux
Licence: GNU ?
Description de l'auteur:
Hi, I am Ek kian, i live at Surabaya, Indonesia.
I know that at my country software piracy is at the worst level, pirated software is used everywhere from education to professional field.
I tried my best effort to use legal software, but our salary is not enough to buy legal software (for os software equal 1 month salary and even cad software equal 2 years salary (O.o) so many people chose not to buy the software)
I only can afford the os software but for application i search open source or freeware solution to replace the propietary expensive software.
I teach web design and multimedia at local collage and university, so i use image editing application extensively. At campus i use photoshop but at home i can't afford photoshop, so i search free alternative as photoshop replacement. I found GIMP, after using it a year and feel that when using GIMP i'm not comfortable as i use photoshop, and i heard about Gimpshop.
Gimpshop bring new menu structure that mimic photoshop menu even the menu naming convention is translated to exactly like photoshop. After tried using Gimpshop i feel more enjoy using GIMP but Gimpshop still using GIMP 2.2, old stable version that lack many features that already have by GIMP 2.3 development version, so i decided to try my self to modify menu structure GIMP 2.3 to mimic Gimpshop menu.
When modifying GIMP 2.3.14 menu structure i realize that naming convention that GIMP 2.3 have is already similar with Photoshop 7, only a couple menu that different and GIMP 2.3 new naming convention is easy to remember and logically match with the menu functions.
After modifying menu structure to more exactly mimic Gimpshop, there is many lack of features that built-in at GIMP but that functions already have solution as GIMP plugins. So i install the plugin and create new submenu for that plugin at menu structure (ex: Save for Web, Batch Process, CMYK Separation, Photoshop plugin support, etc)
I also modify brush set, install more gradient set, and another additional resources to bring more out of the box experience for GIMP.
I hope my effort can reduces software piracy and also bring more enjoyable image editing application that free for all.
BIG THANKS to GIMP developer team and Gimpshop creator. \(^___^)/
Best wishes and happiness for everyone,
Ek kian

Mon avis: GIMP en mieux niveau intégration.

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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 07 Août 2011, 00:38

Re: GimPhoto for Windows

Messagede pil91 » 31 Janvier 2012, 05:08

Hello, I suggest to you to visit the site.
You'll find a portable Gimp package with many improvements and batch processing. ... 0de%20Gimp

Unfortunatly, the site is in french, but Gimp is multilanguage.
Best regards
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 10
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:28

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